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Florian Bochwic




Moralist and philosopher, a lawyer, writer and teacher. The representative of the Christian branch of philosophical thought

Florian Bochwic was born in the town of Mir, Korelichy district of Grodno region. He studied at the School of Dominicans in Niasvizh, and at the Faculty of Law of Kiev University. In 1818-1826 he worked as a lawyer in the town of Novogrudok, was a member of Novohrudok Bar. The author of philosophical treatises on matters of religion, art and education: "The Image of Thought" (1838-1839; parts 1-2), "The image of my thoughts about the purpose of man's existence" (1841), "Fundamentals of my thoughts and feelings" (1842), "Thoughts on the Education of Human" (1847). From 1838 he lived in the estate Voshkovtsy Stariye (Lyakhavichy district of Brest region), and there he died.

In his writings he tried to reconcile philosophy with the religious consciousness. He was emphasizing the priority of religion in all human thoughts and deeds, he was highly critical of many provisions of Hegel's philosophy in the defense of Christian philosophy. He developed a series of issues of socio-political and ethical nature, and emphasized the importance of labour in the life of the society, encouraging respect for private property and respect for the rule of law. The basis of his aesthetic and pedagogical views was the strife for education, combined with the religious morality. He considered that education should inculcate civic virtues among teenagers, to be universal, balanced, varied and continuous, and it must be given the first 20 years of human life irrespective of his caste and economic status. In the philosophy of pedagogics Bochwic proposed a program of harmonization of religious, moral and humanitarian upbringing, made a number of generally valid pedagogical ideas.


1. Obraz mysli: na pamiatke exystencyi mojej, zonie i dzieciom. Cz. 1. Wilno, 1838.

2. Obraz mysli: na pamiatke exystencyi mojej, zonie i dzieciom. Cz. 2. Wilno, 1839.

3. Obraz mysli mojej o celach istnienia czlowieka. Wilno, 1841.

4. Zasady mysli i uczuc moich. Warszawa, 1842.

5. Pomysly o wychowaniu czlowieka. Warszawa, 1847.


1. Антология педагогической мысли Белорусской ССР?. М.: Педагогика, 1986.

2. Бохвіц Флярыян // Асветнікі зямлі Беларускай: Энцыклапедычны даведнік. Мінск: Беларуская Энцыклапедыя, 2001. С. 64–65.



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