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Architecture of Belarus: Sketches of the evolution of Eastern and European context


"Architecture of Belarus: Sketches of the evolution of Eastern and European context". T. I. IX - XIV centuries. Mn., "Belarusian Science", 2005, V. 2. XV - first half of XVIII century. Mn., "Belarusian Science", 2006, V. 3. B. I. The second half of XVIII - first half XIX centuries. Mn., "Belarusian Science", 2007, V. 3. B. 2. The second half of XIX - early XX centuries. Mn., "Belarusian Science", 2007, V. 4. B. 1. Belarusian folk architecture. Mn., "Belarusian Science", 2008; V. 4. B. 2. XIX - early XX centuries. Mn., "Belarusian Science", 2009. Team of authors. Scientific Editor, Corresponding Member A.I. Lokotko.

The first in native science and Eastern Europe a multivolume edition of the history of architecture of Belarus. On the basis of extensive data is analyzed the evolution of town planning, monumental, civil and industrial architecture, architecture roads. In theory, the findings have allowed to reveal the phenomenon of Belarusian architecture, as a result of synthesis of building cultures of east and west Europe. The edition has a great practical value for the decision of problems of protection and renovation of the architectural heritage of Belarus, the development of traditions, national and regional features of modern architecture as a textbook for students of art institutes of higher education.



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