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Cities and villages of Belarus


"Cities and villages of Belarus". V. I. Gomel. B. 1. Mn. "BelEN”, 2004, B. 2. Mn. "BelEN", 2005, V. 2. Brest. B. 1. Mn. "BelEN", 2006,Bl. 2. Mn. "BelEN", 2007, V. 3. Mogilev region. B. 1. Mn. "BelEN", 2008, B. 2. Mn. "BelEN", 2009, B. 3. Mn. "BelEN", 2010. Team of authors. Scientific Editor, Corresponding Member A.I. Lokotko. The edition continues.

The multivolume edition devoted stories of cities and villages of Belarus from the first written reference and to the present. The structure is based on the regions, districts and settlements in alphabetical order. It is planned to publish 16 books, which will be published historical information on more than 24 thousand settlements of the country. On the basis of the extensive source study base obtained from archives, libraries, establishments of statistics, controls the history of cities and villages, their social, economic, cultural development reveals. The edition has a big practical value for republican, regional and local controls, establishments of a science, culture, formation. The historical science will replenish with numerous again open dates of the basis of villages and the villages, unknown bright events, biographies of outstanding known figures of the Belarus culture, a science, formation, the state and economic building.



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