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Main - - Culture - Architectural monuments - Grodno region

Grodno Church of Annunciation of the Virgin Mary


Grodno Church of Annunciation of the Virgin Mary (a former convent of St. Brigitta`s sisters of charity) is an architectural monument of the early Baroque with the elements of Renaissance. It was erected in the historic centre of Grodno in 1634-1642 years on the money of the Lithuanian Marshalok K.Veselovsk and his wife Alexandra Sobieskaya; it was sanctified in 1651. It is a compact single-nave church with a semicircular altar part and a two-tower facade with attic gable. Inside it is blocked by a cylindrical arch of a large vault with stripping. At the entrance there is a vast Narthex with choirs above it on eight-sided pillars. In the decoration of facades stucco decor is used. The walls of the nave are encircled by a powerful entablement, the frieze of which is decorated with floral ornaments in the technology of sgraffito. On the southern side the church is adjacent to the square yard- cloitre of the monastery. The complex is surrounded by a high solid wall with turrets at the corners and richly decorated input portals. On the territory of the monastery there is a two-tiered lyamus (barn), a monument of wooden architecture of the 17th century. It is a historical and cultural value of national importance.



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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011