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Science management


Management of research and development in the Republic of Belarus is carried out according to the approved by the President and Government of the Republic of Belarus priority objectives and traditionally is based on program-targeted methods, which ensure the efficient use of resources and their concentration in key areas of work. Program-targeted methods of scientific research management have been used in Belarus for more than 30 years. The basic form of their realization are the state research programs, the procedure of development, financing and performing of which is approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. In 2009 about 200 organizations of the country performed 40 state research programs, in the framework of which a number of important theoretical and practical scientific results were obtained.

In 1993 the Republic of Belarus created the first legislative base and based on it system of program-oriented management of applied research and development through the state scientific and technological programs, which became the major instrument of implementation of the priority directions of scientific and technological activity. The results obtained in carrying out these programs provided the achievements of recent years in Belarus in the field of motor car and tractor construction, microelectronics, urban transport, machinery for dealing with emergencies, modern televisions, medical equipment, medicines, artificial diamonds, sensor appliances, etc.

In 2009, 27 state scientific and technological programs to solve the most significant problems of national economic, environmental and social problems, 7 sectoral and 5 regional scientific and technological programs, one president and 17 state economic and social programs that have sections of scientific support were carried out. These programs created about 130 samples of mechanisms, equipment and devices, 100 of materials, substances and instruments, 146 technological processes, more than 80 automated systems and complexes, more than 1400 other objects of the new technics. 280 patents for the created scientific and technical products were obtained, and 352 applications for patents were filled.

These developments are oriented towards the increase of labour productivity and product quality, resource saving and import substitution, expansion of export capacity through the creation of new competitive products, solution of the most important social problems. Based on these, the country organized mass production of new types of products of microelectronics, engineering and instrument making industry, agricultural products, medicines and other products.


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Informational support of S&T and innovation activities


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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011