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Zygmunt Wroblewski


Wroblewski Zygmunt Florenty

(28.10.1845 – 16.04.1888)

Physicist; for the first time in the world managed to obtain liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen in measurable quantities

Zygmunt Wroblewski was born in Grodno. In 1862, he finished high school in Grodno, studied in St. Vladimir University in Kiev (Ukraine). Wroblewski participated in the uprising of 1863–1864, was arrested. He lived in exile in Siberia up to 1869. After the amnesty Wroblewski continued his education in the University of Berlin (Germany). In 1874 he received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the University of Munich. Since 1874, the physicist was an associate professor in the University of Strasbourg (France). Since 1882, he became a professor and a head of physics department. Since 1888, Wroblewski became a dean of physics faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Krakov (Poland). His main scientific works deal with the study of properties of gases and metals at low temperatures, diffusion, gas liquefaction, defining of their critical temperatures. In 1883, Wroblewski in cooperation with Karol Olszewski carried out liquefaction of oxygen and nitrogen in measurable quantities. For a number of gases he determined the critical temperature for their transition into liquid state. The physicist also studied electrical conduction in metals at low temperatures. Zygmunt Wroblewski was a Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Creation (1883), the Academy of Sciences of Vienna (1887), was a Honorary Member of the Society of Physics and Natural History in Geneva (Switzerland). The scientist tragically died in a fire in his laboratory. He was interred in Krakov. A lunar crater is named in his honour.


1. Ueber die Diffusion der Gase durch absorbirende Substanzen. Strassburg: Druck von G. Fischbach, 1876.


1. Гапоненка В., Кіштымаў А. Уладар гранічнага холаду: Жыгімонт Урублеўскі. Мінск: Навука і тэхніка, 1995.

2. Kucharski M. Zygmunt Florenty Wroblewski. Szkic o zyciu i tworczosci. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 1997.



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