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Hotel "Europe" in Minsk


Hotel "Europe" in Minsk. The first hotel building was erected at the corner of the former High Market and Franciscan Street with the money of V. Polyakov in the early 19th century. In the mid 19th century a three-storey building was attached to the hotel building. After a fire in 1884 the hotel was reconstructed. It was a three-storey building and it got the name "Europe". In the years 1906-1908 "Europe" was rebuilt in Art Nouveau style and it had 6 floors. In 1913, the hotel had a restaurant, a hairdresser`s, a reading room. The rooms were equipped with telephones, sinks, lighting, water, heating and baths. The lift worked. There was a branch of a commercial bank, a bookstore in the hotel. In 1918-1920-s the hotel converted into a boarding school. During the war it was destroyed. In 2006, the building of the hotel was restored (supervisor S. Baglasov, architects V. Yakovenko, S. Kozlov). The concept of the newly constructed seven-storey building stipulated the architectural design of the hotel in Art Nouveau style with the new planning decisions. The concept of internal space was to create a dome covered with glazed atrium to the full height of the building. The elements of Art Nouveau are used in the decoration of the interiors.



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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011