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Solomon Rysinsky



(c. 1560 - 11.13.1625)

Poet and Latin scholar, philosopher, folklorist. He published the first collection of folk sayings and proverbs in the Slavic world

Salomon Rysinski was born in the family estate Rysin, Polotsk province. He belonged to the landed gentry, a Calvinist. He participated in the organization of protestant school in Slutsk, for which he wrote the regulations. He was the author of several books, a publisher. He was one of the first to refer to himself as a Belarusian: in immatricular acts of Altdorf University in December 1586 he was recorded as «Salomon Pantherus Leucorussus», i.e. Solomon Pantherus Belarusian. His first book, «Epistolarum Salomonis Pantheri libros duos», including letters to relatives, dead and fictitious people, was published in 1587 in Altdorf at Nurenberg (Germany), where he attended lectures at the local university. After 1600 he worked for the Radziwill princes. In 1618 in the printing press in Lubcha near Novogrudok he issued the first in the Slavic world collection of 1,800 folk sayings and proverbs (third edition in 1629) - the result of 38 years of work, which was highly valued by his contemporaries. Rysinski died in the village of Delyatichi, Novogrudski district of Grodno region.


1. Epistolarum Salomonis Pantheri libros duos. Aldorphii, 1587.

2. Exercitationum epistolicarum ad Ausonium virum consularem libri duo. Aldorphii, 1589.

3. Psalmy Dawida podlug dawnych not wierszem polskim. Lubecz ad Chronum, 1614.

4. Proverbiorum Polonicorum a Solomone Rysinio Collectorum Centuriae Decem et Octo. Lubecz ad Chronum, 1618.

5. Solomonis Rysinii Sarmatae, ad epistolas L. Annaei Senecae, philosophi Stoici, notarum sive conjecturarum liber. Noribergae, 1620.

6. Trumpas pasakojimas apie garsiuosius sviesiausiojo didiko, Birzu ir Dubingiu kunigaikscio Kristupo Radvilos zygius. Vilnius: Lietuviu literaturos ir tautosakos institutas, 2000. 253 p.


1. Korotynski W. Salomon Rysinski. Studium // Kurier Wilenski. 1863, Nr. 132, S. 6.

2. Порецкий Я.И. Соломон Рысинский: Solomo Pantherus Leucorussus, конец XVI – нач. XVII в. Минск: Изд-во БГУ, 1983. 158 с.

3. Lulewicz H. Rysinski Salomon // Polski Slownik Biograficzny, T. XXXIII/4, Z. 139. Wroclaw etc., 1992. S. 553–557.

4. Жлутка А.А. Саламон Рысінскі // Гісторыя беларускай літаратуры XI–XIX стагоддзяў. У 2 т. Т. 1. Мінск: Беларуская навука, 2007. С. 642–657.



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