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Staff and Scientific priority issues


In 2009, the number of people involved in research and development was more than 33.5 thousand people. 73.7% of them had higher education, more than 3.2 thousand of people – degree of Candidate of Sciences, about 740 people – degree of Doctor of Sciences. Researches in a total number of scientific staff formed 61.3%. 54.4% of workers, which carried out scientific research and development work, were involved in entrepreneur sector, in state sector – 27.5%, in higher education sector – 4.8%. In 2005 the country managed to overcome prevailing in the 1990s downward trend in the number of employees in science; in 5 years these number increased by 10.9%.

Research and development of Belarusian scientists are carried out in the country’s priority directions of scientific and technological activity. These include: resource-saving and energy-effective technologies of competitive production; new materials and new sources of energy; medicine and pharmacy; information and telecommunication technologies; technology of production, processing and preserving of agricultural products; industrial biotechnology; ecology and efficient nature management. Scientific research in engineering, natural and social sciences prevails: in 2009 the number of researches involved in those was 61.5, 18.4 and 7.5 percent respectively. The part of fundamental research in the structure of internal current expenditure on research and development amounted to 15.4%, applied research – 26.9%, development – 57.7%.


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Financing, facilities and equipment


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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011