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Higher Certifying Commission


Higher Certifying Commission, founded in 1992, and subordinated to the President of the Republic of Belarus, pursues the public policy and performs the functions of governmental regulation in the sphere of evaluation of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher qualification, confers the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences, academic status of Docent and Professor, approves the Council decision on the defense of a thesis and conferment of academic degree of Candidate of Sciences. During the years 2004 – 2009 the Doctor’s degree was conferred on 433 scientists and specialists, the Candidate’s degree – on 3649 scientists and specialists.

The country’s government takes the necessary measures to strengthen the scientific potential of the state and social protection of scientists.

Since 1994, every last Sunday of January the whole country celebrates, in a festive atmosphere, a professional holiday of scientific workers - the Day of Belarusian Science.

In 1996, in order to strengthen the public support of the science, to improve the conditions of research and innovative activity, to enhance the prestigiousness and effectiveness of scientific work, and to encourage the creative potential of young scientists, according to the decisions of the Head of the Republic additional monthly payments for academic titles of Academician and Corresponding member of NAS of Belarus and for doctor’s and candidate’s degrees were established. In 1998, the scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus for talented young scientists, paid regardless of the size of their wages, were established; and in 2005 their number was increased to 100.

In 2002 the heads of the state scientific organizations, state institutions providing higher education, and state establishments of raising the level of professional skills and of further personnel training had the right to give incentives of up to 20% of the planned wage fund to the workers of structural scientific divisions. These incentives paid at the expense of other financial sources are not limited. During the years 2002 – 2006 the national program “Scientific personnel” was realized; this program provided purpose personnel training by the state order, improvement of personnel training in the innovative management training, elaboration of effective mechanism of scientific and innovative activity stimulation, increasing the participation of Belarusian specialists in international research and educational programs.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus № 441 “On additional measures to stimulate the scientific, technical and innovative activity” was passed in September 2009; this decree defined that for the scientists, directly performing the most significant for the Republic of Belarus research and development work, the tariff scale of the first category, established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the multiplier of up to 2.5, and a bonus of up to 5 salaries as the result of the conducted work or its steps had been established.

Official web-site of HCC


See also:

State Committee for Science and Technology
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2011